Technology companies like Apple & Google with Ipads.  Tablets,  Laptops and smartphones owe a huge part of their success to wireless 802.11 WIFI communication.


Think about it….Take our  WIFI  technology the 2.4 GHz 802.XXX signal  out of the technology picture and Microsoft & Dell for that matter have us  tethered  to an Ethernet  the landlines and the desktop world in there pocket.

The age of the PC was slowed down considerably by WIFI communications.

The Tablet and Smartphone do not exist if not for WIFI communication.

It is now possible to transfer information reliably, cost effective & quicker over an 802.11AC  WIFI network than a cabled 10/100 LAN that many network backbones are built on.

Wireless has been around  for years and I can say from experience the first implementation of  how WIFI  worked was a mix of luck and secret science.  Today it is easier. Software Wizards program routers a most every connected router placed by every major ISP has a wireless signal broadcasting in every home and business.

The complexity and problem is now things are congested as any freeway. We all know when the number of vehicles enter a freeway traffic the slower you travel and  open space becomes a treasure.

Complicate this with a bevy of all our devices feeding and grabbing SSID signals and you have a congested roadmap.

Complexity of networks, security overhead  and additional devices using the 2.4 GHz frequency like Bluetooth devices, Microwaves and cordless phones complicate matters further.

Short Term solution is Dual Band Routers with the ability to communicate at the 5 Ghz frequency. Before you run out and purchase make sure your device(s) are compliant to dual band as many older products do not include the 5Ghz specifications.